Eleven baskets finished. Thanks a lot Mónica for sharing your knowledge. Thanks a lot to all the participants and to the town council of Chelva for let us share their beautiful old mosque in Arrabal.
lunes, 9 de junio de 2014
once cestas de costillas
Once cestas de costillas terminadas. Gracias Mónica por compartir tu conocimiento. Gracias a todos los participantes por compartir este día bonito y gracias al ayuntamiento de Chelva por compartir la antigua mezquita en Arrabal.
Eleven baskets finished. Thanks a lot Mónica for sharing your knowledge. Thanks a lot to all the participants and to the town council of Chelva for let us share their beautiful old mosque in Arrabal.
Eleven baskets finished. Thanks a lot Mónica for sharing your knowledge. Thanks a lot to all the participants and to the town council of Chelva for let us share their beautiful old mosque in Arrabal.