November with nuts and new work
jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013
martes, 22 de octubre de 2013
octubre con nuevos trabajos y kakis
jueves, 4 de julio de 2013
"verano español en Noordwolde"
"Verano español en Noordwolde" es el titulo de dos exposiciones este verano en Noordwolde, Holanda. Os enseño el folleto, es en holandés pero para saborear un poco. Mi expo se llama "gras vlecht werk" algo como "hierba trenza trabajo", y en octubre se abrirá una exposición de Carlos Fontales que lleva el titulo "meer dan een mand" , "mas que una cesta". Os recomiendo el blog de Carlos, <> para leer mas sobre su exposición y otros temas relacionados con la cestería y sobre unos bonitos talleres en agosto.
"Spanish summer in Noordwolde" is the title of two exibicions which take place this summer in Noordwolde, Holland. I show the flyer here, it´s in dutch but you can taste a little bit the atmosphere. My exibicion is called "gras vlecht werk" something like "grass plaits work" and in october opens the exibicion of Carlos Fontales with the title "meer dan een mand", "more than a basket". I recomand you the blog of Carlos <> to read more about his exibicion and other issues about basketry and the workshops he gives in august.
"Spanish summer in Noordwolde" is the title of two exibicions which take place this summer in Noordwolde, Holland. I show the flyer here, it´s in dutch but you can taste a little bit the atmosphere. My exibicion is called "gras vlecht werk" something like "grass plaits work" and in october opens the exibicion of Carlos Fontales with the title "meer dan een mand", "more than a basket". I recomand you the blog of Carlos <> to read more about his exibicion and other issues about basketry and the workshops he gives in august.
el pájaro en su nido
Hace unas semanas vino un pajarito a mi taller. No podía comer ni volar pero con muy buenos cuidados de mis hijas salió adelante. El pajarito se sintió muy a gusto con tantos nidos de esparto en su casa. Yo temí que nunca iba a volver al mundo de los pájaros. Pero después de unas semanas tenía suficientes fuerzas y volaba al aire libre. El siguió visitándonos todos los días hasta que se independizó. Ha dejado muchos recuerdos. En la primera foto lo veis con el ultimo modelo de bolso que también le sirvió de nido.
Some weeks ago a very young bird came into my studio. He could not eat or fly but with great help of our kids he grew strong and healthy. He felt very at home with so many nice esparto nests around him that I wondered if he would ever fly away. But after some weeks he did fly away, coming back every day at the beginning until he was totally independent. He left some nice remembers, especially one of the latest models of my bags he liked very much to use at night to sleep in.
Some weeks ago a very young bird came into my studio. He could not eat or fly but with great help of our kids he grew strong and healthy. He felt very at home with so many nice esparto nests around him that I wondered if he would ever fly away. But after some weeks he did fly away, coming back every day at the beginning until he was totally independent. He left some nice remembers, especially one of the latest models of my bags he liked very much to use at night to sleep in.
sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013
cestas de mimbre
El día 7 de abril hicimos el taller de mimbre en Chelva. Estuvimos con trece participantes, todos principiantes, y acabamos el día con trece cestas hechas. Fue un día muy inspirador, con olor a mimbre, muy diferente al olor del esparto. La antigua mezquita era un espacio ideal y la profe Mónica encantadora y a la vez lo suficiente exigente.
Muchas gracias a Mónica por venir, trayendo el material y el entusiasmo con que construimos nuestras cestas preciosas. Gracias al ayuntamiento por dejarnos el lugar, a Julián por traernos mojito sin alcohol y a todos los participantes por su interés en este taller y por los buenos espíritos mimbreros que demostraron.
Here some pictures of the willow workshop we organised in Chelva the 7th of april. We were 13 participants and we finished the day with 13 beautiful willow baskets. It was a very inspiring day in a beautiful environment with the smell of willow and with an excellent teacher, Mónica.
Thanks very much a Mónica, the town council, Julián, and all the participants for their interest and the good spirits they brought into the willow workshop.
Muchas gracias a Mónica por venir, trayendo el material y el entusiasmo con que construimos nuestras cestas preciosas. Gracias al ayuntamiento por dejarnos el lugar, a Julián por traernos mojito sin alcohol y a todos los participantes por su interés en este taller y por los buenos espíritos mimbreros que demostraron.
Here some pictures of the willow workshop we organised in Chelva the 7th of april. We were 13 participants and we finished the day with 13 beautiful willow baskets. It was a very inspiring day in a beautiful environment with the smell of willow and with an excellent teacher, Mónica.
Thanks very much a Mónica, the town council, Julián, and all the participants for their interest and the good spirits they brought into the willow workshop.
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013
exposición " Nationaal Vlechtmuseum", Noordwolde, Holanda"
Del 15 de junio hasta el 29 de septiembre de 2013 tendrá lugar una exposición de Simone Simons, colaboradora de Trendzadesign, en el "Nationaal Vlechtmuseum" en Noordwolde, Holanda. La exposición muestra piezas tradicionales y curiosas hechas con esparto por artesanos anónimos y objetos contemporáneos diseñados y hechos en esparto por Simone. El 14, 15 y 16 de junio hay la posibilidad de participar en un taller sobre como trenzar y crear un objeto de esparto. Mas en
"Grastas", 2013
"Cocon", 2012
2 bozales (tradicional)
Capazo (tradicional)
From the 15th of June until the 29th of September 2013 there will be an exhibition in the "Nationaal Vlechtmuseum" in Noordwolde, Holland with work of Simone Simons, collaborator of Trendza. Part of the exhibition will show tradicional and curious pieces made of feathergrass (esparto) by anonymous craftsmen. The other part consists of contemporary objects designed and made with feathergrass by Simone. You can particitate in a workshop about plaiting and sewing an object with feathergrass during 14, 15 and 16th of June. More at
"Grastas", 2013
"Cocon", 2012
2 bozales (tradicional)
Capazo (tradicional)
From the 15th of June until the 29th of September 2013 there will be an exhibition in the "Nationaal Vlechtmuseum" in Noordwolde, Holland with work of Simone Simons, collaborator of Trendza. Part of the exhibition will show tradicional and curious pieces made of feathergrass (esparto) by anonymous craftsmen. The other part consists of contemporary objects designed and made with feathergrass by Simone. You can particitate in a workshop about plaiting and sewing an object with feathergrass during 14, 15 and 16th of June. More at
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013
aniversario de Trendza
Febrero 2013
Ya cumplimos un año y para celebrarlo lanzamos unos nuevos bolsos de esparto. Los tenemos en diferentes estilos.
February 2013 we celebrate the first year of Trendzadesign. Therefore we made these new esparto bags.
The following photographs above show some dilly bags. A dilly bag is tradicional Australian Aboriginal bag woven from fibers of native plants. The men wore their dilly bag around the neck and they carried their sacred, sometimes secret, and personal belongings in it. Our dilly bags are woven from beaten espartograss, a native plant of Spain, sometimes mixed with corn leaves. They have a leather cover of different colours which you can open and close with a wooden button. It is a peculiar and special bag with an artistic form. You can use it to wear or store your personal or maybe secret, sacred or misterious belongings.
Ya cumplimos un año y para celebrarlo lanzamos unos nuevos bolsos de esparto. Los tenemos en diferentes estilos.
Los "dilly bags". Un dilly bag es un bolso tradicional de los Aborígenes Australianos. Están trenzados con fibras vegetales autóctonas de sus tierras. Los hombres llevan su dilly bag colgado del cuello y en ellos guardan sus pertenencias personales, secretos o sagrados. Nuestros dilly bags están hechos en esparto picado, a veces teñido y con alguna hoja de maíz. Tienen una tapa de cuero en diferentes colores. El cierre va con un botón de madera. Es un bolso curioso y especial, muy artístico con su forma singular. En ellos puedes guardar y llevar pertenencias especiales, a veces secretos o misteriosos.
February 2013 we celebrate the first year of Trendzadesign. Therefore we made these new esparto bags.
The following photographs above show some dilly bags. A dilly bag is tradicional Australian Aboriginal bag woven from fibers of native plants. The men wore their dilly bag around the neck and they carried their sacred, sometimes secret, and personal belongings in it. Our dilly bags are woven from beaten espartograss, a native plant of Spain, sometimes mixed with corn leaves. They have a leather cover of different colours which you can open and close with a wooden button. It is a peculiar and special bag with an artistic form. You can use it to wear or store your personal or maybe secret, sacred or misterious belongings.
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